need some help from the great state of CO.

i have been looking on the colorado wildlife site and have requested a proclamation and application packet. my question to you all is where in the state offers the best opportunity to bag a trophy quality mule deer doe?
I'd have to say any unit that you can draw a doe tag in. Plenty of big ol' does throughout the state.
Call of the wild, "a trophy doe". lol We have killed a few of them over the years, 12" ears are kind of rare but if you hunt hard you can find some. Matter of fact one of my huntin partners, Cort (known on MM as All American Boy) is one of the most successful "trophy doe killers in the west". Most of the big ones live in the the high desert country. Meeker, Rifle and Craig are good areas. With the new reduced priced doe tags, I'd look at those units by the Flattops. Let us know if we can further assist you. Seriously if you want to kill some does, Craig, Meeker & Rifle are hard to beat. They just came out with 76 dollar doe tags for non-residents in units by the Flattops.
Somthings fishy here "WILD" :))
Ah i have seen many does in my life time. I just love STIRRING them into the stew pot though. :)) lol

Does, anywhere west of I-25 is good. The doe to buck ratio is about 75:1 by my counts. I'm sure DOW disagrees. Event he leftover leftover doe tags are good. Kinda silly even to draw for them.
IMO colorado has the best doe hunting in the west,

if i was you, i would apply for a pref. point as my 1st choice, then do a "decent" doe hunt as your 2nd choice, that way in 4-5 yrs, you will be able to draw one of the premier doe units in the west!! :)

"9er" wrote:IMO colorado has the best doe hunting in the west,

if i was you, i would apply for a pref. point as my 1st choice, then do a "decent" doe hunt as your 2nd choice, that way in 4-5 yrs, you will be able to draw one of the premier doe units in the west!! :)

so what i gather is that colorado has a unit like the henries for deer i am looking for a 26" spread ear to ear. i need a big ole doe to put on the wall next to my 215 buck so he can have someone to talk to. lately he has not been getting along too well with the antelope i am going to have to separate them. and the other two i have on the wall just egg it on.
"callofthewild" wrote:
9er wrote:IMO colorado has the best doe hunting in the west,

if i was you, i would apply for a pref. point as my 1st choice, then do a "decent" doe hunt as your 2nd choice, that way in 4-5 yrs, you will be able to draw one of the premier doe units in the west!! :)

so what i gather is that colorado has a unit like the henries for deer i am looking for a 26" spread ear to ear. i need a big ole doe to put on the wall next to my 215 buck so he can have someone to talk to. lately he has not been getting along too well with the antelope i am going to have to separate them. and the other two i have on the wall just egg it on.

Well, i can tell you why the buck on your wall is getting fiesty, can you imagine going thru the rut without "anyone"!!! thats his problem :)

Good luck on your quest for the 1 mount you really want, but remeber, colorado has the deer to get it. hang in there

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unit 35 has huge bucks. just got to be able to hike. and a doe is every unit
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The snows this winter have been hurting some of the deer herds in the northwest part of the state. You might want to wait until the end of march before you make a decision on where to hunt your doe. You can shoot your doe as an extra deer and still hunt bucks if you pick a unit from the "B" list to do it in. The reduced license units can be pretty crowded. Go to statistics and get hunt summaries to look at the numbers. I've always had best luck with does around Meeker. About 11 miles north of Rio Blanco on the east side of route 13. There's a sliver of BLM access and a BLM sign. Good luck. Wear lots of orange!
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Not sure if it the area is still as great as it was but area outside Montrose on the western was great for a number of years. Lots of nice tall fat ears running around.

Best of luck in finding the elusive 14 in ears
NH Hunter
I would drive up and down Rt. 13 between Rifle and Meeker in the evening with an old pick up with a brush guard. Before you know it....BAM! You'll have a doe on the ground. It's hard to judge the spread when they're moving, though. Just don't park on top of it, you'll mess up the ears. :thumb

Plenty of deer around Meeker.