Need some Ideas......

If by chance I don't draw my speedgoat tag, I'll need some other form of hunt to take my boys on.
We've harvested cow elk, and doe mulies, but the little buggers want something with antlers dang it!

Is there anything within 300 miles of Salt Lake City we could try out?
any kind of exotic sumthin-or-other for not too mucha cashola?
fallow deer, or mufflon, or wuteva????

I just dont have the time off to travel far,
my uncle and his family go up the wyoming ever year for speed goats, nothting huge but lots of animals. Dont know if they are drawing the tags every year or buying over the counter, but the same kids are hunting every year. They have a great time.
chet, DeadI is right on......Wyoming has some great deals for us non-residents. Reduced price doe/fawn areas for deer and antelope. If you purchase leftover tags, they only run $19 for youth and $29 for adults. Hard to beat that even as a resident in our home states.