Need some input.........
Eastern NM hunter
7/30/07 10:32am
Has anyone heard of "The Wildlife View" model VGA???
Found it at wally-world for $50. Just wondering if I wasted my money. Tested it at the house, took 3 great pictures of the baby and dogs.....
Found it at wally-world for $50. Just wondering if I wasted my money. Tested it at the house, took 3 great pictures of the baby and dogs.....

7/31/07 12:00pm
i have the vga 4.0 model.. overall i like it.. it has a quick trigger time for the money.. is sensitive way out to over 30 yards sometimes. the picture clarity is where it lacks daytime pics are good, but night pics are fuzzy, but you can still see the animal fairly clear for the most part. I picked it up for $100 i may pick up another.. you can see some of the pics it took that were posted by either HUNTINFORLIFE or I

Eastern NM hunter
8/1/07 5:23am
Heshen, I appreciate your input. This is the first time using a trail cam, so I', totally siked about what I may find. I'm really not sure about this cam though. It says it has 300K pixels, and can hold like 4K pictures with a 512MG SD card, what ever all that means. But the price was right and I figured if I don't like it, I can always take it back. I'm going to bring it in tonight and down load the pictures so hopefully I'll have something to post tonight or tomorrow.............

8/2/07 1:58pm
well hopefully you have some good pics.. The internally memory fills up fast so always try to have a SD Card in it if your leaving it for more than a few days.. and try to point the camera inline with the game trail. if you put it perpendicular to the trail the trigger wont be fast enough and you will miss a lot of animals

Eastern NM hunter
8/2/07 7:25pm
Heshen, I should have read the instructions first. I got one picture of a lonely doe, but that was it. Three pictures were taken but i didn't see anything in the other two. Thanks for the tip on how to set it up on a trail. I'm planning to put it back out Sunday morning, so hopefully I'll get some more pics................Thanks

8/7/07 2:29pm
Hopefully your next set of pics will be better.. Hopefully you set the camera up looking directly on the trial and not perpendicular to it. That is the key for trail shots so it had time to trigger. If you're at a watering hole or someplace the animal is going to hang around for awhile it isnt as important

8/7/07 3:50pm
eny thing from wall-mart is good! :thumb

The Pasco Kid
8/7/07 10:30pm
I have the wildview from wally world it works great 2 things it really lacks 1) a date and time stamp 2)a decent flash other than that I have been very happy with it I don't think you can go wrong for $50 bucks here are some pix I got this summer with it see for yourself hope this helps

8/7/07 11:08pm

8/7/07 11:47pm
Very cool photos. Love the one with the bear standing. Thanks for sharing and welcome.