nephew got his mule deer mount back. 185 4-8 southern utah b

My nephew Jake is not a super big hunter. But he always loved the mounts on my walls and he loved adventures. He was always a great shot. He did not enjoy long horse rides or getting up and hiking hours before daylight.
He wanted a big buck. I told him I have the plan for you. Just apply for the best tags and if you wait long enough you will get them. He said that is a great plan. So I applied for him for many years.
He finally drew. He passed on many good bucks waiting for a buck that had cheaters. This picture only shows 1 of the cheaters.
I hope you like the mount and the horns.
I sure do.

Not bad for your first deer hunt. Not bad for your first deer. Oh yeah it is bigger than any buck I have ever shot.
And he passed up what I think was a 31 inch buck as it did not have cheaters.
That's a nice buck.

Congrats. :thumb
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That is a sweet buck. I like the cheaters too.
Nice buck!
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Way to hold out. Good for him. Nice Buck.
Big Moose
Very nice buck! Good job on holding out...he's worth it!

Cool looking mount and sweet buck!