Nevada Antelope
8/1/11 3:18pm
by Verne Atwood
My first Nevada Antelope hunt went well and I had a great time. With the arrival of my Antelope tag I started going out at least once if not twice a week spotting Antelope Bucks. After looking at several
Bucks I decided on this Buck because of his Prong length, 5 4/8 on the right and 5 2/8 on the left side. Although this wasn't the biggest Buck I looked at, his prong length caught my eye. For area twelve here in Nevada this is a nice Buck.
Three days before the season opener I went out and camped not far from where Mr. Prongs had been running around with his does. On the morning of the opener my friend and I spotted him and he had eight does with him down on thevalley floor. So with Kevin watching from up on the bench with the scope I hiked down to the bottom of the valley and started my stalk from the down wind side. When I got up to within 260 yards I blew a bark call with my primos Antelope call and Mr. prongs came out away from the does into a small opening. After a look around He turned back and started to walk towards the does but stopped at 255 yards broadside to my location. I thought to myself this is as good as shot as anyand took the shot.
The Remington 300 Ultra Mag barkedand the Sightron scope kissed my eye and left a small scratct as I heard the 150 grain Swift Scirocco Bonded bullet wap its target.Mr. Prongs stood there as did the does and then continued to walk another ten or twelve yards before he staggered and laid down.I looked over at the does with my binoculars (who were just standing there) and then back to where the Buck had beenjust in time to see him stand back up. Not being sure of where the first shot had hit I put another round in him. Again I heard that distinctive wap of the bullet hitting its mark and again he just stood there and took the hit only this time he laid right down and I saw some brush and grass being kicked up.
Well the does finally took off at a dead run and the buck wasn't in pursuitso I was one happy hunter on his first ever Antelope hunt. Now the work was just getting started to get Mr. prongs out of there and to the table. I'll have to say that Antelope isn't the tastiest of the big game meat but made a good dinner never the less and I'm looking forward to hunting these magnificent Big Game animals again.