Nevada Area 6, Units 061 - 068 (excluding 065).

Does anyone know much about this area (other than it's on fire)? I usually hunt areas I litter further south.
Yes. I've hunted that area off and on for over 25 years. It's not as good as it was 10 years ago but there are still quality animals in the area.

You'll want to go up by Wildhorse Reservoir. You'll be able to find an access road into some good areas right at Wildhorse.

Go north on 225 to Wildhorse, turn right on the dirt road to Gold Creek and go from there. Be aware that the road you turn in on is the unit 6/7 boundary.

If you take the first left on that road, you'll be headed into some decent country. As you travel that road you'll see some good areas off to your left, namely the Allegheny Creek area and Rough Draw. You can't miss those 2 mountains. The Mahogannies are good and so is Merritt Mountain. Plenty of deer to chase.

Take a look at page 23 of the Nevada Atlas Gazetteer. There's plenty of road info for that area on that page.
Thanks Mark for the detail. I appreciate it. I spoke with the F&G earlier today and they told me that that the fire is burning from Mountain city eastward all the way to Jarbidge and south to Wild Horse Reservoir. They say that south of WH resevrvoir is still ok for now. Any good range south of WH reservoir? Do you know what altitude the deer in that area hang out at in the summer? I drew out for the early season.....
Just checked the fire map on the NDOW website. The areas I mentioned are on fire! That's a shame. A lot of that area will take a while to recover.

South of that area is the PX Cattle Ranch. Can't miss it. Turn left on the PX Cattle Ranch road and it will take you into some decent country. You'll see the mountain I'm referring to from the highway.

You can also hunt the Jacks Creek area. Look on the map, it's easy to find.

The bucks are generally up high this time of year. Spot and stalk is my preferred method. Get up high and glass for bedded bucks.
It's much appreciated Mark. Thanks for taking the time to help me out. Now I feel a little more confortable with this hunt..... despite the fires.
No problem.

The closures are on the east side of 225. You've got plenty of area west of 225 to hunt. If you're not finding what you're looking for head towards Wilson Reservoir. That's still part of area 6.
Mark is right about all of the areas he mentioned. The Independant Mountains is also a good place. Go high and glass. fatrooster.