Nevada Cailfornia Bighorn Sheep Part 2

Here are the rest of the pictures from the Biology class. If only I knew who had one of the 5 tags given out in the area. :-k
Kewl pics!
Cool pics. What did you for your class....count sheep, tag them.....? How did you locate them, with radio collars?
Beautiful country!!!
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Yeah johnyutah5, the department of wildlife had three sheep collarded to survey their movements throughout the mountain. They are interested in this because there is a proposal for a mine to be set up on this mountain and they wanted to see what the impact would be on the sheep. I actually got up early that morning and found what we later found out was the collared sheep up on the very top. When the biologist showed up we went up on top and he used his H-antena and found the sheep from the top. Its interesting to see how all this new technology is being utilized to help betterour wildlife and gives a guy a whole new respect for how short handed the department of wildlife is.