Nevada Elk Tag Help

My mom was fortunate enough to finally draw a Nevada bull elk tag in areas 111-115 221,222 early which is right around Ely Nevada. I have hunted this unit a couple times before but was wondering if anyone had any advice as to spots to check out that may hold some good bulls? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
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Everytime I Have hunted elk in Ely Ive found them further and further south. We've taken good bulls out of second creek and third creek behind the coyote ranch. We also took one good bull out mosier canyon southeast out of ely. The last time I hunted it though was a couple years ago and we werent seeing any bulls north of ely. I was helping a buddy with a tag for the late hunt and got farther south below the charcoal ovens. Turn off just before you get to Comins reservoir and head south for martin springs as a start. I havent hunted it since it became wilderness area so things may have changed. But I would definately start south of ely and let my eyes do alot of my walkin.
i may be a bit of help. my dad hunted it last year for cow. and the year previous for bull. and i hunted it the year before that for bull he got a bit antsy with his bull tag after puttin in for 20 years and fired one off at the first bull he ran into. we had alot of luck cow calling during the cow hunt last year the bulls were responding like crazy and were really sticking around the burned areas we were watching. we called one in to about 10 yards he was movin so fast i actually stood up and scared him before he ran us over. that was across the way from the first entrance to the sucess loop if i had to guess between mile marker 70-80? outside of mcgill headed north on 93 im really bad with areas and names unless i have a map in front of me. im pretty confident they have summer/wintering grounds with the wintering grounds being a bit farther north near the reservation. i have only hunted the late hunt up there. but you might have luck narrowing them down if you can get up there and do some strange noise makin that they there attracted too. and we have a late winter you should be able to find them next time you head up there. hope im a lil help. that area has haunted me for a while one day we see something monsterous the next day spikes and cows with no bull in sight.
oh and p.s i was talking to a friend of mine who runs meat sheep and cows on those mountains when i got my tag and i asked him for any advice that might help. he responded and this is word for word "see that shithole up there.find the nastiest steepest most fu@^%$! up place on this mountain and i garuntee you theres big bulls in it"