Nevada is posted

Any body else get lucky?

Drew archery buck deer unit 101-108
Archery cow elk unit 111-113
Archery antelope buck unit 131

All in August! Gonna be a busy one
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Drew a 61-64, 66-68 late rifle tag. Never expected to draw my first pick. I guess the added tags helped out.
Area 10 archery for me.
I just check the results this afternoon and my first ever mulie tag turns out to be a Nevada unit 161-164 any legal weapon early season antlered. I'm not complaining, but I'll going to need to learn a lot in a short amount of time. I'm in Nevada on 4-year military orders and seeing as though this is my second year here and second year applying, it could be the only tag I ever draw for the state. Looks like there's some scouting to be done and books to be read. I can' wait!
No Luck, Tag Soup Here...
"Mularcher" wrote:No Luck, Tag Soup Here...
Really... That's crazy with all the tag increases. What did you put in for? Did you get a UT tag?
"Six-Gun" wrote:I just check the results this afternoon and my first ever mulie tag turns out to be a Nevada unit 161-164 any legal weapon early season antlered. I'm not complaining, but I'll going to need to learn a lot in a short amount of time. I'm in Nevada on 4-year military orders and seeing as though this is my second year here and second year applying, it could be the only tag I ever draw for the state. Looks like there's some scouting to be done and books to be read. I can' wait!
That's a good area... Second largest deer herd in the state. A little research and you will know exactly where to go :thumb
"PhillyB" wrote:
That's a good area... Second largest deer herd in the state. A little research and you will know exactly where to go :thumb
Thanks, Philly and that's great to hear. Reading around, it sounds likea great area, but there's no substitute for putting my feet on the ground up there and really getting my hands dirty in the pre-season. I'm about 3 hours south of that area and plan on making at least one backpacking trip per month up there to get acquainted with the region. I love the homework that comes along with hunting a new critter species. It's going to be a different ballgame altogether than the whitetail tracks I followed back in Nebraska and that makes the build-up all the more fun.

Also, I have one general question about muley behavior: are they like whitetails in that the majority of their movement will be at dawn and dusk or can you expect to see them moving all day? With whitetails, it seemed like the middle of the day was often a waste of time, especially if you were purely after meat. In spots I knew well, I could literally get in place about 40 minutes prior to the end of legal daylight knowing that a tract of deer would come through in the final 15 minutes of the legal shooting day like clookwork. I don't know if that's how it is with mue deer.
"Six-Gun" wrote:
PhillyB wrote:
That's a good area... Second largest deer herd in the state. A little research and you will know exactly where to go :thumb
Thanks, Philly and that's great to hear. Reading around, it sounds likea great area, but there's no substitute for putting my feet on the ground up there and really getting my hands dirty in the pre-season. I'm about 3 hours south of that area and plan on making at least one backpacking trip per month up there to get acquainted with the region. I love the homework that comes along with hunting a new critter species. It's going to be a different ballgame altogether than the whitetail tracks I followed back in Nebraska and that makes the build-up all the more fun.

Also, I have one general question about muley behavior: are they like whitetails in that the majority of their movement will be at dawn and dusk or can you expect to see them moving all day? With whitetails, it seemed like the middle of the day was often a waste of time, especially if you were purely after meat. In spots I knew well, I could literally get in place about 40 minutes prior to the end of legal daylight knowing that a tract of deer would come through in the final 15 minutes of the legal shooting day like clookwork. I don't know if that's how it is with mue deer.
I would highly recommend picking up two books: David Longs- Public Land Mulies: The Bottom Line and Dwight Schuh- Hunting Open Country Mule Deer. I read both of those books each year starting when tags are posted. A ton of good information and will get you started on the right track.
Much appreciated advice and consider them ordered. As soon as I close this post, I'm headed for to get them. I already bought "Mule Deer: Western Challenge" used for about $3 from there, so good deal on good info can be had on this sport.
Phillyb, Not my year I put in for six NV tags. I did have to call Utah to change my card number so maybe there is a chance yet. I do have a archery tag for AZ and South Dakota if I can get back there this year. I can't let you have all the fun lol.
Mularcher- That is too bad. Hopefully Utah pans out for ya.

Where and when is the AZ tag?
AZ is in August near the Flagstaff area I bought a otc tag in January and could only hunt one weekend so the tag is still good this fall. We'll see. Good luck.
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I got a 141-155 Archery Antelope tag and a 101-109 Late Any Legal weapon tag. Not sure which one I am more excited about. I cant even sleep at night.
Our group of 6 did very well in the draws.We drew 6 NV buck tags,2 bull tags,3 cow tags, 2 antelope tags and a desert sheep tag.We also pulled 2 UT deer tags and a Az early rifle bull tag.Still waiting for CA to get going and see what happens there :thumb
Nice big r! What unit is the sheep tag in I go out scouting for the all the time just for fun and to work the glass a bit if it's close I may be able to help.