Nevada mule deer help
12/11/07 11:20am
I'm trying to get my hunts lined out for this year and was wondering if any one could steer me in the right direction regarding a remote high country unit that has some nice mulies? I figure it will take me a couple of years to draw a tag, but I have never hunted that country and have no idea where to start? Thank you....Joe :)
As far as where to go its all up to you but I would recommend trying to stick to one area year after year and learn to pattern one unit instead of trying a new spot like i have been doing.It will save you lots of time in the long run and fuel, every unit I have seen has big bucks but by the time we learn the unit its time to head home.The pic attached is of three of at least 75 bucks I saw on last years hunt.I also went on a muzzy hunt with a friend we saw 16 bucks in one day just a half hour walk from the truck,he has drawn a tag the last 2 years of applying good luck.
::wel sweet pics, thanks for sharing. Keep em coming!