Nevada Swan Carnage
12/28/08 4:57pm
Filled the swan tags today...
We decoyed 50+ swans into this little opening in the ice today. All we had out was 6 duck decoys. Plus we had the only open water for miles around.
When these two were at 15 yards we wacked 'em... I don't know how many of you guys have had over 50 swans locked up and dropping in on you, but I'm going to tell you that from my perspective, it was awesome! " alt="" /> " alt="" />
We also had nothing but divers buzzing the decoys today. There wasn't a mallard to be found. After several hours of being buzzed repeatedly, we gave in and wacked a few of them. I'm not a big fan of ruddy ducks or buffleheads, but they do make nice teriyaki snack sticks! And they're almost as much fun to shoot as teal. " alt="" /> " alt="" />
We decoyed 50+ swans into this little opening in the ice today. All we had out was 6 duck decoys. Plus we had the only open water for miles around.
When these two were at 15 yards we wacked 'em... I don't know how many of you guys have had over 50 swans locked up and dropping in on you, but I'm going to tell you that from my perspective, it was awesome!

We also had nothing but divers buzzing the decoys today. There wasn't a mallard to be found. After several hours of being buzzed repeatedly, we gave in and wacked a few of them. I'm not a big fan of ruddy ducks or buffleheads, but they do make nice teriyaki snack sticks! And they're almost as much fun to shoot as teal.

congrats and thanks for sharing
We could have had 5 the other day but not a single one of us had a swan tag. Beautiful birds for sure. Couldnt imagine having 50 of them locking in on you. That would just be awesome.
He should earn his Master Hunter title this spring.
Looks a little chilly too