Nevada Unit!
10/14/07 1:10am
I was just curious if anyone has any information about unit 062 in Nevada or any of the Northeast units. I am just curious about it as far as Mule Deer are concerned. Has anyone ever been there or heard good things about the hunting out there. I would like to apply for a Non-resident tag next year and the Northeast portion of Nevada is just one of the places that I am researching trying to get some more info on. Anyway any help or information would be appreciated. Thanks!
The area was just starting to recover from several years of various problems. I'm afraid that the fires over the last 2 years have dealt the death blow for what was once a prime mule deer area. It may eventually recover, but it will be several years. The same information I have mentioned can probably still be found on
My advice is to look elsewhere. Most of area 6 and area 7 are not worth your time.
Thanks for the great info. I appreciate the response. I will do just that keep researching and looking. Those freakin wildlfires! That's too bad! Did it used to be a so called "Trophy Area" I just mean did great bucks used to come out of there. I just thought there may have been guides that used to go in there taking clients? Also is there a such a unit in Nevada called 06 unit? I looked all over there website and on there map and I could not find this unit? Do you or does anyone know by chance where this is?
You asked specifically about 062 so that's the area I was refferring to. Yes, it was at one time a trophy area. But that was well over 20 years ago. Fire, drought and poor management of the area led to its decline.
I'll spend some time looking at a map and maybe point you in another direction in area 6. Give me a few days.