New 30-06

I just got a new Remington 700 in 30-06 for my up coming Muley hunt any suggestions on what to zero it in at and grain bullet to use? Thanks for your help.
personaly I like a 200 yard zero, I also like the 150 gr bullet for the 30-06 and will also tend to use the 165 gr bullet.
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Thank you.
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I have shot 165 gr bullets for many years, drops everything up to moose, if you are reloading you can push them in the high 2800, low 2900,with no prblems

200 yds zero (agree with above)

Good luck on your hunt

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I agree, 200 yard zero it great. I don't think you can go wrong with 150 gr or 165 gr. I'm shooting a .308 this year and my box of 165 gr. Barnes TSX just came to my door the other day. Should be fun to see how these do. You've got yourself a great rifle. Good luck this fall!
Just got back from the indoor rifle range with Hiker, shot both 150 grain and 165 bullets using a Tikka T3 30-06 using IMR 4350 powder and new Winchester brass and Federal primer.

All bullets grouped very well but the best group was with the 150 grain Barnes Tipped triple shocks all 3 shots shared one hole 10sign:

We shot 3 shot groups of 4 different bullets in a indoor 100 yard rifle range

All shot extremely well but the most accurate in order were

Barnes tripple shocks 150 grain

Nosler Accubonds 150 grain

Nosler Partition 165 grain

Hornady Interbonds 165 grain
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That's a great group! I've had good success with 150's in my .308, but I'm wanting to step up a bit for elk, so I thought I'd give Barnes 165's a try. It's good to hear that they've been accurate!
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I just wanted to thank you all for your time, help and input you guys are what makes this a great site
Your welcome and I will talk guns or hunting anytime, and especially shooting and reloading.
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I would agree with 200 yards also, I have my remmington 30-06 sighted in at that.
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Did you get the chance to try the '06 in the field yet?