New Baikal broke in
1/5/08 12:59pm
We hammered two limits before 10 am today,mallards,goldys and a beautiful drake scaup in full plumage,hes goin on the wall,ohh yhe the new Baikal autoloader shoots GREAT! " alt="" />


1/6/08 5:57pm
sounds like a great day! i didn't get to go out this weekend , i took a trip outta town. is the scaup a blue bill? i shot one on a hunt i went on on the coast one year, they are mostly a coastle bird but on occation they go inland. pretty cool though :thumb

1/6/08 6:42pm
Yep,blue and white striped bill,ill post pics after I get him mounted.

1/6/08 8:11pm
thats cool, check out the Ring neck deck, real close to the blue bill scaup, very cool looking. we do get alot[ i say alot but they are still one of are most uncommon-- it's just not unheard of- i've killed 5-6 ring necks] but it's cool how close those 2 birds look the same, but different. but we do get both inland so it might be either one??? cant wait for the pic :thumb