New Bow

Looking at purchasing a new bow for the 2014 season. What are your guys favorite bows? Is there any bow that really stands out to you?
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i love my pse, but as long as u take the time to set it properly for u, most bows are real good these days
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I just bought me a new bow. I shot a lot of bows before I made my mind up and went with a Hoyt Spyder 34. Bowtech exsperiance a close 2nd. The Spyder just felt better to me, better grip and little smoother draw.
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Thanks for all the info, I'm a bowtech man myself but I thought about looking into Hoyt.
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I shot the Hoyt Carbon Spyder.....I really like that bow. I was hoping that my dealer would have a Carbon Spyder Turbo or the Spyder 34 to test out as well, but nothing in so far. I'm waiting to see what Bowtech will be releasing at the ATA on 1/6/14.....Rumor mill is swirling about it being possibly a Carbon Experience. I have a hard time justifying $1400 for a new bow, regardless of how nice it shoots......I've got 2 New Breed Eclipse bows that feel just as good as the Spyder did and both were bought used from the original owners and I spent less than what a Carbon Spyder sells for. I'm sure the new Bowtech will be pushing the range of the Carbon Spyder....Might be best to wait a year to make sure they've got all the bugs worked out.
Chill R
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I bought a Spyder 34 in May and I love it. I haven't shot any of the 2014 models yet but I don't think you could go wrong with a Hoyt or Bowtech.
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I just bought the Hoyt Faktor 30. Love it so far. I shot the Carbon Spyder for comparison, it was nice, but I don't know if it was +$600 nice.
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If you're looking for something new go and shoot the Elite Energy, this will be my next bow. Best bow I've shot so far, currently shooting a Bowtech Destroyer 340.
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Hoyt Faktor 30!!!! This bow is awesome!!!