new bow

Hey guys,
I am left handed and looking for a new bow. I can't afford a new one and I am searching ebay for a cheap bow that I can kill whitetails and pigs with. Any suggestions? I saw a Browning Afterburner do any of you know any thing about it?
Thanks Jon
We have a pse firestorm that is just laying around. It is left hand and pretty much brand new. I bought it for my wife but then came across a deal on a mathews mustang and now she shoots that. It is bare bones. No sight, rest or anything else. I can send a picture if you are interested. She probably only shot it 3 times. Never been in the field.
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Man I am very interested whats the draw length, weight and how much?
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Hey, maby try to find one of these...i had one once.. it was pretty darn good, and cheap.

very intersting bow, has either alum or carbon limbs..cant remember, but it shot hard and accurate ... now its a recurve sorta.. not sure if thats what your lookin for...
If that doesn't work out, try archerytalk.