New Coyote hunter with a Question
Eastern NM hunter
11/3/06 5:47am
Okay, so I struck out with the deer this year, but came across A LOT of yotes, and have decided to "thin the herd", but have never actually targeted yotes before. I have my eye on a one of those predator decoys that looks like a coon skin cap on a stick and a remote control predator call box. Has any one used them? Do you recomend this set up? Any helpful hints??
Eastern NM hunter
Eastern NM hunter
I really don't know what kind of call I'll be using. I need to kinda shop around and see what I can find. The city I live in doesn't have any kind of sporting goods stores, so I gotta wait until I go to Albuquerque over the holidays. And SE NM is pretty wide open country, you can see those yotes coming " a mile away". There's a lot of water tanks in the area that are 30' tall or so, so I was planning on sitting on top of a tank and set up my decoy at 100 yards or so. What do you think??
Eastern NM hunter
Is this the decoy that you were talking about?
This is Treetop's boy with a dog that they got last week. =D>
The decoy heart is one I bought about a year ago on the net. Cost about $10,
the spring is a # 15 on the Napa auto parts display board, Cost about $2. The stake is one of the posts from the electric fence that keeps my horses in. Cost ???
and the coon skin cap is one that I bought at sportsman's warehouse for $6 something.
and a little velcro to keep the coon skin cap in place.
It's simple to build and about 1/2 what you'd pay for one at Cabelas.
By adjusting the amount of spring that is free to move between the ball and the top of the stake you can change the wiggle from just a little to where the whole thing is flopping up and down with the tail waving like crazy. It add to the stuff you have to carry to the stand but it's fun to see the affect on the prey.
Good hunting to all of you. Later Treetop
PS Hey bow nut I have the cap, spring, velcro and stake here so we can finish putting yours together one of these days.
Cool. We will be down there in a month at the latest. This month is going to busy also. Hoping to get a couple of days in the marsh so that I can bag my swan. Just have to see how things go.