2/16/09 11:05pm
Check out this new dvd. let me know what you think of the intro. Style, music, ect.
Either way you did a heck of a lot better than I would ever know how to do. It looks like you've got some monster bucks on footage and i'll be purchasing a copy when it becomes available.
Good job;
-Wes Gleave
Upload your trailer here...
I have seen many a mule deer video and been envolved with making some as well.
From I saw I was impressed! I liked the music and the graphic effects in the intro.
I have always thought that out of what muley videos are out there that Lowland Mulies has had some of the best footage...
There no takin' away from a good lookin' muley bruiser and you had some!
Good luck with it, I just may have to buy it and watch...
Tried it on a Dell PC with Firefox (no luck), guess I need to try in on Explorer. My last hope. :)
I don't know why it's not working for you. I use a mac with safari and it works great. When we get it completely finished I will upload to the site you mentioned. Should be by this weekend. thanks for the compliments guys
Yes that's me. I finally figured it out, looks like my computer at work and home was blocking the site you had it uploaded it to. Fixed now.
So what do I think? BAD TO THE BONE!! Looks amazing. Glad to see your back in the DVD biz, I always thought yours were some of the best out there period.
When they are available, let us know. I'll buy one through this site......good time of year to watch some big muleys.
Order today!