New elk hunter needs advice

I have never specifically targeted elk while hunting before though I have carried a tag and have seen them while hunting. This year, I would really like to take one if I could and I will be hunting in an area that I've never been to. It is just to the Northeast of Lowman Idaho in the Sawtooth region. I am planning on making camp where the red flag is on this map. I will be concentrating my hunting efforts in the entire area included in the map and would like some tips on which areas to concentrate on. I'm new at this elk thing and need all the help I can get." alt="" />
Depending on he hunting pressure,water,feed,snow,ect they could be anywhere,BUT, i would check out those parks on mains ridge at dawn and dusk,theres feed,timber behind it and water below,everything they need.
Get atleast a mile from the road and crowds, keep the wind in your face, buckle up, and hold on!

i guided for a season out of the sawtooth wilderness, a different side though, but where we were it was great glassing country! get up high and learn the country the day before your hunt[ or a lot earlier if possible, but it dont sound like it is] from the high points if you glass enough you will see elk, then it's a matter of hunting nonya said check those parks out VERY early and late. good luck and let us know how you do!!
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Thanks for the great replies. I am pretty excited this year because I just finished building a 338-06 with my own two hands and can't wait to get it out and use it. I got .7" groups at 100yds with 200gr Accubonds and will be trying the 210gr Partitions this weekend. I also have a hunting partner and 21' trailer this year instead of hunting out of my truck bed all by myself. It is shaping up to be a great season already and I haven't even seen an elk yet.
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There are elk all around up there. But I believe the wolves have them splintered up into smaller groups. I used to go up there and see herds of 15-20 elk, but not any more. I have never hunted the Bull Trout Lake area I alway hunted around the Lost Lakes area on the left side of your map. I never harvested anything but always saw lots of sign. I was always hunting with my bow. Best advice is to be up on the mountain before daylight and get a good vantage point. Find the elk, then find a way to get to them.
Good luck.
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Not knowing the area at all I would start near the red 36 on your map. There is a opening in the forest just to the left you might catch an elk early in the morning. Then you could watch the spring just below the red 36 mid morning for elk getting water. Then back to the opening for the evening. Like Pro said keep the wind in your face.
Topo maps are cool to day dream over.

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I'm not familiar with Idaho elk hunting at all, but hunted them in Utah for over 25 years and can gurantee you one thing-
"Never bank on them being in places you have seen them in the past, all that is is a roll of the dice".
Just like someone said above.... where they are right now depends on a lot of differen't things, time of year, how the water situation is and has been all summer, the rut and where the cows are when you are there, people and pressure....blah blah blah.
The next best thing you can do besides study your maps like you obviously have already, is do some talking....and LOT'S of it!!
The other thing i might recommend if you have the time is to make a trip up there before you stake claim on an area to camp in. If the elk aren't in that area, you may have a lot of traveling too do back & forth, which amounts to a lot of wasted time & money.

But what do i know, i'm just one a Utard elk hunter!!
never the less....the best of luck to ya, and we'll expect stories & pix!! :thumb
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Thanks for the help. I wish I had half the experience that some of you have but I was raised in the East in a non-hunting family and have learned almost everything I know about the outdoors from reading books and magazines and from forums like this. Then I just get out there and do it. I have been somewhat successful on deer with a REALLY nice (in my book anyway) 4x4 last year. I have never harvested an elk but I stumble into them frequently while deer hunting in 39 so I decided it was time to get a tag. That's how I have progressed in hunting. I started on fox squirrels back East and started to find deer sign and then seeing actual deer so I got a deer tag and eventually harvested a white tail. Got stationed in Idaho (never want to leave) and continued hunting deer (mulies) and started running into elk sign and elk. So now I will start hunting them too. Hopefully wolf tags go on sale soon 'cause I've found plenty of sign from them too. Here's my deer from last season." alt="" />
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And my daughter's first deer, also last season." alt="" />
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Great pix trout, thanks for sharing those!!
Congratulation to you, and especially to your daughter!! :thumb
ctrout, CONGRATS to your daughter. Her smiles says it all!!