New goal. The 500" mark!
12/4/07 6:29pm
I have always had the goal to take a 180" class buck and a 350" class bull elk. So this next year, I will try and hit the 500" mark combined between the two species in the same year. Has anyone done this?
2008, will be great!
2008, will be great!
that is an Excellant idea!!! =D> =D>
Im in
only if you include speed goats tho...... :333
as for the original question i don't need to do this being that i shot a 540 bull on public ground in CO. just this summer.
once again for those i am joking.
that really would be a pretty neat goal to accomplish next year. but i should have a utah le elk tag in my pocket so hopfully i can get this done with a yearling 2 point.
Callofthewild i seen that bull wow thats a monster i bet that was hard to kill a animal you where just petting moments ago behind the FENCE LOL