New gun

Getting a new 270 are they good
Great caliber...hard to say anything more without more specifics regarding what you're looking at.
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I agree with dahlmer... what make and model are you looking at? Win Model 70? Rem 700? I think you've narrowed it down to a great caliber though. A little more specifics on what you're looking at would be helpful for reviews.
Not sure on the rest of the info yet.. He just tried a 270 for his first time and liked it. Ive been looking online and a couple other places and found a savage 270 for 250.00 but haven't decided yes or no... Still looking so if anyone knows of a good 270 or 243 for sale please let me know
Love my Rem 700 .270. Use it for deer and elk both. Same pep as a 30-06 with a flatter flying bullet. Best "all around" caliber in my opinion. But you do get what you pay for. I'm not a fan of savage, but that's my personal opinion. Go for the Rem 700 or the Win 70 as stated above and you won't be disappointed.
Great caliber, but the make of the rifle will have you loving it or hating it.
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If you browse KSL, you can usually find a pretty good deal on a .270 or .243 .... I think you can find a Rem 700 ADL with a scope for around $400 at most Cal Ranch stores.
I'm not a big fan of Ruger. I shoot primarily Win model 70's. I've shot Brownings as well...beautiful guns, but I've yet to shoot one with a good trigger. Rem 700 are a good recommendation as well, I have run into some issues with jams in short actions though.
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Ya I want to get a elk