new guy
8/4/07 9:02pm
](*,) well another year has come and gone and i still have yet to draw a tag for a big muley. not to mention my brother moved and my hunting compadre is awol. does anyone have any input for me? i need a new option for hunting locations for the general season in southern Idaho.
Don't know S. Idaho myself, but WELCOME to MuleyMadness!
Since your Muley plans/draws didn't pan out just what type of hunt are ya lookin' for now?
I don't know much about S ID but I hunt the northern portions almost every year.
Good luck badger and if ya need anything that you think I may be able to help with just let me know.
let me know
I am currently living in the Boise area. Grew up near Blackfoot. Lived in Moscow for years. Hunted all over but want a fresh start, gettin tired of the same old same old.
I don't want to hi-jack this thread with idle chit-chat about our common stomping grounds. Hopefully someone here can help ya out in your request. There are a few members here from the Boise area that may have some info.
Anyone of you Idaho boys able to help Badger out with his request?