New Hunter On the Way

The great news is that a week ago my wife and I found out that we have our first baby on the way!!!! I sure can't wait too bring the little one out in the woods and teach the everything our two families love!!!
Good to be back everyone!
Sneekeepete- oh, I feel so bad for you, I couldnt even imagine how much pain you are in.. Let alone not be able to do anyting.. Im sorry to hear that. Hope you recover quick.

CONGRATS!! on the new little hunter.. Im way excited for you and cant wait to see the pictures.. =D>
CONGRADULATIONS SNEEKEEPETE!!!! kids are great , i have a 21/2 yr old girl and a 5 mo. old boy. the girl already does about everything with me. i cant wait till turkey season get here[2 weeks away] i wanna try a kill a bird with her on my back! she will love it!
Bummer on the accident, SWEETNESS on the new soon to be arrival. :thumb
one hunting fool
hey sneek. looks like I am in the same boat as you. My wife and i found out last week that we to will be expecting our first child. ours will be born sometime in late Nov early Dec. how about you.
Bummer about the wreck man but congrats on the little one! My wife told me while I was still in the corps and I about crapped! Told all my buddies and man did they get me jacked up that night. Now he is 16mo and a holy terror but sSO MUCH fun!

Congrats brother! Another Jarhead/Hunter added to the world! WE NEED MORE!! :thumb
one hunting fool - Congrats to you also!

What are you guys hopeing for? brown camo or pink camo

I cant wait till I can have a little hunting partner
Send some of your luck my way :)
one hunting fool
Pink Camo all the way for us my wife needs a hunting buddy
"AntlersOutWest" wrote:Sneekeepete- oh, I feel so bad for you, I couldnt even imagine how much pain you are in.. Let alone not be able to do anyting.. Im sorry to hear that. Hope you recover quick.
For half a minute I thought you were talking about him having a kid on the way..... lol

Gongrats on the little one on the way Pete. I cant wait until I get a little mini-me running havoc on the world.
way to go guys!!!!!!
nuthin better in the world!!!!!

AOW, you leave some antlers on the hill for the rest of us and karma will come back around and help you out too..... that or maybe the tag gods will assist... scratch that last part, the tag gods have been too good to you already!
Get well soon and congrats on the baby! I wish I could say kids are the best thing in the world, but sadly I can't. I can, however, say that grandbabies rock!!! I can play with them until they start to cry and pass them right over to Mommy or Daddy. You can't do that with your own kids.

Think I'm kidding? Wait and you'll
Congrats on the little one. Nothing better you can do in life than have a family.

Sorry about your crash. Next time you see a jackalope in the road it would be better to just hit it straight on rather than swerving to miss it and laying the bike down. It must have been one trophy jackalope to consciously decide to let him live. :))
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congrats on the baby . there is nothing like being there for the birth of your child and holding it for the first time after it is born . then after times goes by and you are potty training the kid , you will hear those magical words . DADDY COME WIPE MY BUTT !