New Kids Bow?

I just got a call from my sister in law saying that my nephew's lifelong dream is to bowhunt elk with his favorite Uncle. My question to all of you bowhunters with kids is what is a good starter bow that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. He is 12 and just passed his hunter safety course. I don't want to get him some toy but I also don't want to shell out a bunch of money if after a couple of weeks he decides that baseball is his true passion . I would appreciate all the help you guys can give me.
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The Diamond Edge is a great youth buy the thing in 30-40, or 40-50 and as the kid grows you can get new limbs to make it a 50-60, and 60-70...great deal!!!
same story on the browning micro adrenaline, upgrade the limbs to 40-50 after the strength is gained.
But some 12 year olds can already pull 50lbs. and his growth spurt could change alot of things as well...... It's a difficult time of life for an archer ](*,)
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I second the diamond edge. Not only can you upgrade the limbs but it has a draw length thats adjustable from 18-28 inches. Youy don't need a press to adjust them its just to screws in the cams!
Whisper Creek Panther is not a bad kids bow. My 5 year old shoots the smaller version called the phantom and he loves it.
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What's his draw length? I have a Browning Microburner that is 24-27" and 35-45lb draw that IBO'd 270 fps. My son has outgrown it and it is fully rigged and was very expensive when new. I have over $500.00 in it and would sell it for $250.00. This includes several carbon arrows, tiger-tuff rest, 3 arrow quickee quiver, peep, release loop, carbon stabilizer, and string silencers. It is camo and in perfect condition. This bow screams for a short draw bow.
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You may want to look at Parker's bows. Their 2008 catalog lists the Buckshot Outfitter Package at $269.95 MSRP. It's available in 20-29, 30-40, 40-50 pound draw weight and has an 18-28 inch draw adjustment. $50.00 will get new limbs as the youth grows. My girlfriend has one and shots well out to 40 yards with it.