New member says hello
dan walker
10/4/08 9:31pm
Just thought I would say hello from Calgary,Alberta Canada.I have been hunting whitetails and mule deer for 48 years in Alberta.I have had articles of mine published in North American Whitetail and various other publications as well as photos. Hopefully I can contribute to the forum as well as learn from the members.So far it looks pretty interesting with a lot of informed members.[if this works out ],here is a photo of my best mule deer to date I hope this works " alt="" />

Glad to have you aboard. We have a lot of great, knowledgeable, and very nice folks here at MuleyMadness. I hope you stick around and enjoy the site.
Oh yea, great lookin' Muley too!! Hopefully I'll have one like that within the next couple weeks. (My season starts in 6 more days)