New Members
6/1/06 7:01pm
Hey Brett, over 700 registered members......looking good! Just a few months ago it was about 275. Looks like things are taking off. :thumb
To all the new registered members, welcome aboard.
To all the new registered members, welcome aboard.
Although it's great that the member's list is growing rapidly, I noticed that a LOT of the new members are not "members" but someone, or some computer program, logging onto the site and "posing" as members. If you click on thier "name" you'll notice that it will give you a URL to some advertisement or shopping website. I counted at least 25 for some watch company, a couple for an offshore gambling site, and there are a number of pornographic sites also. ESPECIALLY over the last 3 or 4 days.
I am by no means a computer expert so I have no idea how to keep that from happening unless you make it a requirement to give an address, phone number, or something else that will keep these idiots from using this site for thier own means. I know that a lot of us are rather private individuals though and giving that much private information may be too much.
Yep I've got some work to do, this is unfortunately the part I really dislike about the site and interenet. Tons of "bots" spamming the forums and I get to go in and ban them one name at a time and then figure out a way to "perma" ban hopefully future idiots.
thanks to all the legit guys/gals out there. :thumb
Oh, and thanks to you too. I can't wait to tell my wife that I am a "legit guy" now! She's gonna be SO PROUD of me!...LOL
Now to figure out how to forever BAN them, that's a different story and a little tougher than one might imagine.
My bad if I deleted you, didn't try to. I manually looked at all of them, guess I messed up. Forgive me. oops