New Mexico 2B!!

Hi Guys, I am obviously new here and I apologize for this being my first post but my father-in-law and I drew 2b tags (nov.7-11) and I heard that this site was a good place to start. I am just looking for general info on the area, terrain, weather, maybe motels nearby? Public access? Any info at all would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
you can stay in either farmington or dulce [ the indian reservation] dulce is closer
the terrain isn't terrible. lots of messas, draws, pinion trees, and VERY MUDDY ROADS IF YOU GET WEATHER
as far as public access, theres a lot of public land. after you see the " leaving jicarilla apache indian reservation" sign most is public.
it has been some yrs since i've been there but there was alot of whopper bucksaround!

make sure to go to the "MULEY MADNESS ROLE CALL" tread and introduce your self. if people know a liitle about you , your more likley to get some good info.

also make sure to take pictures! we would love to see pics of your hunt when it done.
I've hunted it several times (archery) personal opinion is you do yourself a dis-service by wanting to stay in a motel, as some real good areas are quite a distance away from the nearest motel......most of your time will be spent driving instead of sleeping and/or hunting. My or rent a wall tent with a wood stove and camp in a central location right out there near them. You'll remain in the field longer and get a longer nights sleep. JMO
good advise BOHNTR. The roads get so bad when wet, and rutted from the gas trucks. Getting back and forth each day will be miserable. You might be 15-30 miles off the highway to your hunt area. good luck with your hunt
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PNWHUNTER ~ best of luck on that hunt. I have never hunted it before but hear all good things. My buddies and I drew 2B archery (Jan 1st -Jan 15th) Any one with any info on the unit , especially for the January hunt, feel free to let me know.

Dan Ewing
i should have mentioned, i've never deer hunted there. but i did guide mt. lion hunters there and we seen some great bucks. but that has been 8-9 yrs or so ago
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Thanks for info guys, we will be taking the wall tent for sure! As was stated above "more time in the woods!" How about the rut? Will it be starting then? Or is is later down there? I am in Washington State. Thanks
rut there is mid dec. Might get in on the second rut activity. Hope for alot of snow in the mountains and no snow in 2b. good luck
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Last year i camped up by Cedar Rock area it was a good location easy to get around to both ends of the main rd.
Find the longest rd that is locked and follow it to the end and start hunting, If the road is dry you can mtn bike on most of them. If it gets wet it like slippery slime. Chains are a must if it's raining ALL 4 TIRES 4 wheel drive.
I pulled out at 1:oo am because the road was frozen and it was easier on the horse trailer and my horse and mule. It's a great hunt and it will pay to be in shape for you will do alot of walking or pedaling or horseback riding to get into the bucks, we saw bucks every day just not monsters.
Now I did see 3 good ones but never got a shot until last day just before dark But I know the area a little better now so next time maybe it will work out better.