New Mexico 2B Archery Hunt
7/4/06 5:20pm
After about 5 years of applying for this hunt, my cousin and I drew the late archery tag in NM so I am doing my due diligence researching the hunt to make the most of our opportunity. I have purchassed the BLM map for the unit and done some archive searches for information. So far, I have learned the following: 1) The earlier hunts in 2B (muzzleloader/rifle) are weather dependent as most deer migrate into the unit from Colorado (though there are some resident deer). Since this hunt is in January we should excpect the deer to be there and see lots of animals. 2) There are a lot of roads in the unit due to all the gas wells and drilling though many of them may be locked in January and closed to vehicle traffic (though mountain bike and walk-in is OK). 3) The roads are bad in wet weather/snow (bring chains). 4) It will be cold (lows from teens and highs in the 30's)and record lows are in the -15 degree range. 5) Deer will be in the sage flats feeding but hard to approach due to the number of deer, crunchy snow, etc. May be possible to pattern them coming and and out of bedding cover and try and ambush them using a ground blind or tree stand. 6) Access into the north east part of unit looks limited (not good from North (CO) due to UTE indian reservation and Navajo Lake, not good from east due to Jicarrilla Indian Reservation, not good from West due to Lake Navajo. The only access appears to be off of 64 and then many of the roads to the north will be gated/closed/impassable. 7) Lodging/Services are limited - not sure what is available in Navajo City? 8) Not recommended to take a trailer on 64 beyond Navajo City to the east due to washboarded roads, grade, etc. 8) Good genetics in the area (Jicarilla) but herd down due to various factors (i.e. encroachment by gas exploration, overharvest, etc.) Sub unit 2C recently split off from 2B and will be managed for trophy animals but there should be some good bucks available in 2B. 9) The rut should be pretty much over but we should try and hunt as close to the January 1st opener as possible.
Based on the above research, our current plan is to bring our toy hauler and camp somewhere along 64 as far east as we can go. Maybe throw in a couple of mountain bikes. We would like to get further east and set up a camp closer to the hunting area but we don't have an outfitter tent/wood stove set-up and it sounds like it will be miserably cold for a normal fall weather tent camp. Another possible option that comes to mind is to pay an outfitter for a drop camp that we could get to by 4WD truck and leave our trailer at home.
Has anyone on this site ever been on this hunt or know anything about it? If so, does my research so far appear correct? Are we on the right track as far as our approach to this hunt? Any info would be appreciated.
Based on the above research, our current plan is to bring our toy hauler and camp somewhere along 64 as far east as we can go. Maybe throw in a couple of mountain bikes. We would like to get further east and set up a camp closer to the hunting area but we don't have an outfitter tent/wood stove set-up and it sounds like it will be miserably cold for a normal fall weather tent camp. Another possible option that comes to mind is to pay an outfitter for a drop camp that we could get to by 4WD truck and leave our trailer at home.
Has anyone on this site ever been on this hunt or know anything about it? If so, does my research so far appear correct? Are we on the right track as far as our approach to this hunt? Any info would be appreciated.
I've bowhunted it several times and had some good hunts. If I could get drawn again, I'd be there.
It appears you've already got a lot of good info. If I were you, I'd leave the trailer at home, as none of your plumbing will work anyway because it freezes. I took mine the first year up there and almost didn't get out. Plus, from where you want to camp and where the good hunting is is a long drive to make everyday.
The last time I was there, the lows were -5 and the high was 15. There was crunchy snow, which made stalking almost impossible. Buy or rent a good wall tent and stove and bring some good wood (unless you already know where you're camping and there's ample supply) to burn.
The best way I've found to hunt them is to use a double bull blind and set it up in the areas the big bucks are feeding. The blind keeps the cold wind off of you and you'll be warmer than sitting a tree stand. This will require you to be a few days early. I usually spend two weeks up there with 3 days before season.
Some of the hike in areas near the reservoir and near Colorado have some tremendous bucks.....but you can find a good one anywhere. Make sure you have some good glass and the key is not only looking for sage, but bitterbrush. When you find these pockets, you'll find bucks. Don't overlook the long draws near roads either. One of the best bucks I've seen up there (35"+ monster) was feeding in a flat 300 yards from the main dirt road into the area.
Don't think all the good bucks are north of the highway either. There are some slammer bucks on the other side as well. If you want some good info, buy 7.5 minute topo maps and call the warden/biologist for the area. Both are VERY informative. Good luck.
Wardens Cathy 505-632-0485
Pat 505-632-3283
Biologist 505-632-9885
I am a little worried as I have talked to 4 guys who had the archery tag last year and every one of them said they were disappointed in the lack of mature shooter bucks. They all said they saw lots of deer but all said they saw only one mature buck the entire hunt. Some guys hunted on mountain bikes, some guys walked in to road less areas, and one guy covered country putting 1300 miles on his rental car. They all said the same thing though, very few mature bucks. One guy told me that the biologist had informed him that the snows had come early to CO last year and a lots of the mature bucks were shot during the last rifle season, which he figures may have been the reason for the lack of mature bucks. As most of you serious mule deer hunters know, this hunt is highly touted as one of the best deer hunts in NM. Do you guys who are familiar with this hunt think last year was just an anomaly, or is this hunt overrated and we are in for a let down? While an 180+ buck would be nice, I have hunted enough to know bucks of this caliber aren't standing behind every tree and know we very fortunate to have drawn this tag, but it is a long way to go for us for a forked horn with a brow tine. I was hoping we could at least have the opportunity at a mature 3 or 4 pointer with our bow if we weren't fortunate to find anything bigger.
Thanks in advance for any input. I am hoping to hear from you guys that last year was just an off year!
Remember, take some pics so that those of us stuck at home can "ejoy" the hunt too.
The last time I was drawn there, I spoke with many bowhunters who complained of not seeing bigger bucks. However, after I studied maps and located bitterbrush areas with nearby cover and water, I saw mature bucks (170"+) just about every day. I can't wait until I'm drawn again. Good luck and take a lot of photos.
Merry Christmas!
Look forward to your report when you return. Best of success!