New Mexico CC Hits???

When do you guys think that we will start seeing credit card hits from New Mexico? I drew an Oryx tag in the first draw 4c , I would sure like to draw my deer tag! I also put in for elk sheep and ibex. I am getting restless.

:2 :2 :2
well I have heard some fellas are getting hits as early as thursday afternoon, but most on friday and saturday, however I got a hit on mine @ 7:19:34 am sunday= FATHERS DAY !!!!! yee ha ! I am not showing ANY hits on my card for the Mobility Impaired elk hunts I applied for, but the Mobility Impaired antelope I applied for I did get ! I just don`t know which unit or hunt I drew but it is a hunt ! as far as the general deer hunts I applied for go I`m not sure either because the card WILL NOT be hit for ANY deer hunts at all so I`ll just have to wait and see for the deer hunt. I am guessing that if there is not a hit on my card by monday night I did`nt draw any elk hunts. if they are going to tell us all online tuesday then they won`t still be charging cards on tuesday right ? this `lope hunt begins august the 5th, so 5-6 weeks and I`m hunting something ! hope you all did well on yours ?
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Got hit last night twice! Amounts don't seem to match applications however, but it was definately the NMG&F.
:2 SOME BEETCH !!!!! :2
well you can check if you drew right now online, just use the 1st draw section and enter your info and it tells you !!!!! I did draw my MI antelope hunt, I did draw my MULE DEER hunt, nono I did NOT draw any elk hunts any freaking place nono I am not holding my breath about arizona either as I applied for the early trophy hunt nono I am hunting something in new mexico and colorado though- dammitt !!