New Mexico ORYX!

Hello folks, I thought I would see what you all thought about hunting oryx in NM. I drew a OIL White Sands Missile Range tag for the Stallion Range for next year (Jan. '09). I'm excited about it, but it is so far into the future! Does anyone have any advice for me or any other input?

Good luck to all in the upcoming draws!

wow ready this is really a lucky draw year for you! [didn't you draw the henries deer tag too?] i've not hunted it myself but i have a buddy who did 8-10 yrs ago and said it was a blast and they seen lots of oryx. i believe his was a management hunt so he couldn't kill the biggest ones he seen . i'm sure you'll have a blast.
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Killerbee, you have a good memory. However, it is my wife that has the tag. She drew the sportsman's tag for deer in UT. I have been trying to still apply like I usually do (pretty much every western state), but I have changed my strategy due to her tag. That's why I drew the oryx in Jan of '09. I'm still really excited to go on the oryx hunt, but everything seems to pale in contrast to her deer tag. I hope we aren't confusing too many people on the forum here as we post on the same computer under the username "Ready". Sorry if this confused anyone.

Cool. COngrats. Please post pics when you score one. Oryx in NM is something I'd liek to do as its not that far to go.
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I have harvested 2 Oryx. The OIL tag is a blast not sure what part of the range you drew but you should see plenty of animals. It isnt the same kind of hunt as it used to be but as long as you are willing to get out of your truck and walk a little you will do real good.
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I have tagged along on a hunt with my old man and a friend, they both got decent animals. It is a hoot. That is one of the funnest hunts I've ever been on. It took us a day to figure them out, then we only had one day left. We were up north in the Stallion Range. There were a few big dirt mounds around, we found if you climb up on them with your spotting scope, you start seeing animals. Find any type of elevation or vantage point, then find your bull, and stalk him. They've got eyes like antelope and it's amazing to see them run. And when they tell you to shoot them quartering better do that they have a very conical chest cavity and it is hard to punch through. Good luck.
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Thanks for your replies!
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Well, now that Steph has finally got her deer, I'm starting to look to the next hunt. Hopefully I'll be able to find a nice Oryx come the 17th of January. I've never even been to that area of New Mexico (White Sands MR -Stallion Range), but I'm really looking forward to the hunt. I guess I can only take a couple of people on the hunt with me, so it will be my boys, Dakota (13), and Jayden (10). They are getting big enough to help with the packout and I can't think of anyone I'd rather hunt with.

Our plan is to just get up as high as possible and glass and wait to see where they all run or bed. Then, we'll go from there. If anyone has been down that way recently and has any advice, feel free to reply. Planning for a hunt is a big part of the fun for me.

I was out that way a couple of years ago, though not hunting. We would see oryx where ever but never really noticed any up high. Didn't have the chance to do anything, as far as observing them and what not, as I was there for training. LOTS of Army land there so make sure you know where you are. The biggest group I saw was probably around a dozen or so, saw a few 2-3's and a few singles here and there.

Wish I could be of more help and good luck on your upcoming hunt!
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One of the guys that I hunt elk with drew the same tag. From what I understand there are parts of the unit where you have to be escorted and you aren't allowed to take any pictures or anything. I personally think it is a great oportunity to hunt an african animal without the expense of traveling across the world. Good Luck!
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Hunt is over! We had a blast!

I was holding out for a bigger one and the boys were getting nervous, so on the last afternoon we got serious and I bagged a nice bull. He isn't the big one that I was hoping for, but I didn't want to disappoint the boys with tag soup.

I'll post up some pics when I get them loaded up from the camera.

CONGRATS Dustin! That is too cool. I cannot wait to see the pics!
I just happened to have met the biologist in charge of the Oryx hunt on White Sands about a week ago. Sorry I didn't see this post earlier. I learned some very interesting things about the animals. I saw some when hunting over there last year for pronghorn. It was always VERY COOL to see a herd of them out on the prairie. Made me really want to get one when I went to Africa this past Summer. Glad you had fun and that it was successful. I've been thinking of applying in New Mexico myself. Let's see some pictures!! :tz
awsome! cant wait to see the pics!
I wanna see. :)
Nice! i cant wait to see the fella
Dustin I still wanna see the pics. :)

Congrats to your wife on the fine story in HI magazine. :thumb
yea, this should be on here already, dont you know it's the offseason lol . i WOULD LOVE TO SEE THEM!!
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Sorry about the delay. The boys and I had a great time!

This is the morning before the hunt when we arrived in NM. The sun was bright that morning! LOL!" alt="" />

And here is the end result Sunday evening:" alt="" />

I put the boys back in for next year. Hopefully they will draw sometime in the near future so I can take them back for another fun time!

Good luck to all the rest of you in the upcoming draws!

so how big are they? i've never seen one personaly. i'm guessing bout the size of a caribuo?
bigger than a muley but smaller than an elk? and it looks like you were able to drive to him. is there lots of animals on the hunt? congrats on what looks like a great time spent with your kids. they will remeber those times forever!
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BTW, I might have ruined the cape a little. You can barely make out the entry hole in his neck, just behind his ear at the top of the black barring. This was the only shot he gave me as he was laying in his bed. It was about a 120 yard shot and I was actually surprised that I made it that accurately. I didn't want to risk him seeing us and others that we had jumped out of their beds ran like wild, crazy maniacs! I tried to get him up with deer bleats and such but he wouldn't get up. All we could see was the tips of his horns. Finally, I whistled really loud and he just kind of proped himself up on his front feet for a look around. Smack, and it was over. Great hunt, everyone should try it once. If anyone draws the Stallion Range, I'd be glad to help out with any info I have!


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Hey Killer,

They are about the size of a smaller/younger spike bull elk. I don't think I could've loaded him without the help of my boys, but it wasn't too bad. The missile range allows you to go off-road for game retrieval only, but I'm glad they do because we were probably close to a mile off the road. It was easy driving to him, just lots of tall grass and some brush.

There were actually quite a few oryx roaming around, but they knew what the hunt was all about and were really wild, although every now and then, we would run into a "tame" one.

I too had never seen one before this hunt and it was kind of weird at first, but then it was just "hunting". I used the optics a lot and was able to bed this bull from miles away after other hunters had chased him for over an hour.


=D> congrats on your OIL hunt =D>
Thanks Dustin! Sounds/looks like a great time. :thumb

Still can't believe you don't have to be in Africa to kill one. :)
Looks like an awesome hunt and you didn't have to go to Africa. That will make a heck of a wall mount and an awesome conversation piece. I'd love to try it someday. Thanks for sharing the experience and photos.
=D> =D>