New Mexico Unit 54/55

I drew the first rifle season for the Colin Neblett unit 54/55 Oct.30-Nov3. Ive been through this area several times and have some knowledge of it but not a great deal.

I know the country is very rugged and I'll be hunting from foot. Has anyone hunted this area for deer or elk ? I'm looking for a general opinion of the unit. I'm really stoked about getting out in the mountians and doing some hunting.

Thanks for the time.
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Plenty of critters in that area. Find some good perches where drianeges come together glass, run and gun.
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"maintguy47" wrote:Plenty of critters in that area. Find some good perches where drianeges come together glass, run and gun.
Thanks man. Thats what I was hoping and that was my plan. Have you hunted that area much ? I know its steep and deep but I think I can handle it on foot. Plus one of my buddies may tag along to spot & film & pack.......packing being the most important lol

Thanks for the info Maintguy. I owe ya one. If your ever coming through southern Ok let me know.
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I've never hunted 55or 54. I put in for Sargents, #4 ,# 52 and 51 every year for Elk. Not because they're any better to hunt, they are just closer to my cabin. I have reddin, fished and panned for gold all over northen NM for forty years. Thats how I know that from Colin Neblet north to Valle VIdal got alot of critters. They are educated and can read. They tend to jump private property signs and find hard to get to hideyholes when the season opens, just like everywhere else in the mountians. The harder a place is to get to the more likely it is you'll find em. Good optics is a must. The BLM has great maps I would definately get one. Study the elevations. If youcan get up there at least three days before you have to exert yourself. I've seen alot of hunts ruined becuase they didn't have time to get used to it. Some of the highest peaks in the state are around Eagles Nest. Sorry I couldn't be more specefic on that area as far as mulelies. Good luck on your hunt.
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Thats all great info and I appreciate all you help. I dont think I can get there that early due to work. But altitude hasnt bothered me that bad in the past. I've been though Ute Park and Eagles Nest seval times and I recall how rugged it was in the pass. I'm looking forward to the challenge.

I ordered BLM maps several days ago and have been using a topo ap. for google earth to plan out some hunting routes.

I also started training about 10 days ago. I've been packing 50lbs. and jogging. I plan on building up for the next several months and attacking the hills come Oct.

Again thanks for the info.