New Photography... Old stomping ground.

New Photography... Old stomping ground.
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Man you have to love Gods creations. Nice pics, thanks for sharing!

Love nature, mountains, rivers, lakes, trees, etc.
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nice pictures of some of the beautiful country that god created .
Meathunter13, Good to see you back. Great photos as usual. :thumb

Have you been out chasen speed goats with your stick & string?
great pics :thumb
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Taking this year off of lopes since I didnt draw with my 7 pps. I leave tonight for the mountains. Im going to help my brother make his first elk kill and first archery kill. First legal bull this year is getting it. We will drive till 1am tonight and then set camp to get up at 4:30am and get to the spot. Im putting him on the biggest bull ive found so far so but there are alot of legal satellites in the area, hopefully tomorrow we will be packing out elk if all goes well, then we will move spots and try and fill his archery deer tag. Next weekend our bear tags start and ill be calling them in on the ground and try our luck with a bow. And of course the weekend after I have muzzeloader bull and buck tags. I only work 4 days next week 3 days the week after then gone for a week and a half. We are on the road to a Great hunting season. We just picked up some private land doe tags and got permission to private land 10 minutes from my new place sept1-jan31 so It looks like it will be a busy year. My lion is still alive and well and come november hopefully that will change. [-o<

Ill start posting pics and stories Im sure on monday. Im on cloud 9 just to help him out.
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A shooter on a slow week.
Very NICE INDEED!! I really like the symmetry, especially on those front forks.

Thanks for the pics!!
Meathunter13, Have a great hunt. :thumb I'm looking forward to the stories......
Meathunter13, great buck