New Rest
3/20/12 7:11pm
So, i'm in the market for a new rest but need a final push to make my decision. I'm torn between the Trophy Taker Xtreme FC, Ripcord code red, and QAD ultrarest. From what I understand these are all great rests and in reality i'd probably be happy with either one but just thought i'd get everyone's opinion... Any major differences I should consider? Thanks guys!

3/21/12 11:58am
the QAD falls slightly slower then the Ripcord. I have the QAD on my bow no complaints here. I did have to re anchor the pull cord on it because the pro shop tied it in to low on the cable.

3/21/12 7:42pm
I had problem with my QAD HD . My fletches keep hitting. We re adjusted it several times and could not seem to clear up the issue. I don't know if I got a lemon or what. Anyway, I changed to the trophy taker and I love it. No problems. I have not had a Ripcord but have friends that do and seem to like it.

3/21/12 9:27pm
I've had the same Ripcord rest on four different bows now. The only thing I've done is replace the frayed cord once. It's been flawless. And for $8, I put the Code Red arm on it.

3/23/12 9:42am
Thanks for the input guys. I ended up getting a steal of a deal on a TT Smackdown FC. Looking forward to shootin with it.