New Rest

So, i'm in the market for a new rest but need a final push to make my decision. I'm torn between the Trophy Taker Xtreme FC, Ripcord code red, and QAD ultrarest. From what I understand these are all great rests and in reality i'd probably be happy with either one but just thought i'd get everyone's opinion... Any major differences I should consider? Thanks guys!
the QAD falls slightly slower then the Ripcord. I have the QAD on my bow no complaints here. I did have to re anchor the pull cord on it because the pro shop tied it in to low on the cable.
I had problem with my QAD HD . My fletches keep hitting. We re adjusted it several times and could not seem to clear up the issue. I don't know if I got a lemon or what. Anyway, I changed to the trophy taker and I love it. No problems. I have not had a Ripcord but have friends that do and seem to like it.
I've had the same Ripcord rest on four different bows now. The only thing I've done is replace the frayed cord once. It's been flawless. And for $8, I put the Code Red arm on it.
Thanks for the input guys. I ended up getting a steal of a deal on a TT Smackdown FC. Looking forward to shootin with it.