New rifle

Hey, im looking for a new rifle. i have a 243, but it just doesnt have the range im looking for. im looking for a fairly decently priced rilfe , but good gun with scope..and the bullets cant be overly expensive since i do not do my own reloading. i was wondering if anybody has any suggestions of a gun. scope, and caliber set up that would be good for western hunting.
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In my opium, the best rifle for the best price in the CZ550. This is a mid $500.00 rifle, comes in the popular calibers and has the best trigger you will ever feel (I know savage has there trigger, own one)
You can top it off with a Sightron (S1)3X9 X40 mil dot scope
This will give you a dependable rig that will last many years.
Best of Luck
M. Bird
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What kind of range are you looking for and what are you hunting?
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We hunt muleys in the badlands...and i will want to use it on different animals when i get older..already have a moose trip planned when i turn 18......but otherwise pretty much anything from muleys to looking in the 500-750ish......i think walnut stocks look great..but sometimes i worry about scratching and slipping and falling with them...sooo im gunna go with a synthetic and if thats not what you mean by range..umm probably up to like 400 yards...thats the furthest shot i feel decently comfortable taking.
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Ruger 77 hawkeye 7mm Rem Mag $550.00?
Leupold VXIII 3.5x10 $468.00

cheapy but goody
Stevens 200 7mm Rem Mag $275.00
Burris Fullfield II 3x9 $140-$150.00
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Do you handload?
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i do not handload....and i will have to check that ruger and stevens out.. thanks for the input haha the sooner i get it the better...gotta get comfortable with it
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I was looking and i think i might get a weatherby, in 7mm mag or 30-06, but it is really heavy, also there is tikkas, remingtons and winchesters, im so confused i know that if i ever wanted a custom rifle the best one to get would be the remington or winchester cause most custom parts are built around there actions. i think im going to go with a tikka they are decently priced and should be a good gun. thanks for all the info guys
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Instead of a 7mm Mag (And I love mine), you would probably be better off with a 30.06, as ammo is much less expensive. You can shoot 150 gr bullets for Deer and Antelope, 165/180 for elk and moose and 200/220 for bigger bears. You can also find ammo anywhere in the world, should your luggage not arrive on time. You can get a Reminton 700 SPS Stainless for $550, same Leupold VX lll for another $550, and hunt anything in North America in any weather with less recoil.
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Hey Montana,

Have you bought one yet? If so what did you get?