New scope help

Well I am looking at getting a new scope for the 300 WSM and taking the scope off it and putting it on my .243. I have settled on three different scopes but I'd also like some more input on personal expereince with these scopes. All 1" tubes

1st Leupold VX-3 4.5-14 x 40mm obj lense with the new CDS
2nd Zeiss Conquest 4.5-14 x 44mm obj lense With Rapid Z 800 reticle
3rd Vortex Viper 4-12 x 40mm obj lense

I am leaning towards the leupold right now.
well i only have personal experiance with leupold, but i dont believe you could possibly go wrong with them. their warrenty is awsome, but usually not needed.

that said- you could probably copy and past my reply , but change the name to ziess or vortex.

They all are great companies, and probably comes down to personal prefference.

I've always liked bigger objectives,usually 50mm. so the Ziess you listed would gain a preference point for being the biggest obj.

so there, i answered your question by absolutly not answering it at all lol