New Shed Hunting Partner!!

So, I finally decided to get a pup to train exclusively for sheddin... I have a yellow lab named "buck" that loves birds, but he doesnt get the whole antler thing. Altho he has found a few and goes with me everytime I go.. But this little girl is doing awesome already. We named her "Sitka" figured she better have a hunting name right??" alt="" />" alt="" />

I did a lot of research on how they train drug dogs and have basically implemented my own program similar to that for antlers.. Ive had her for the about 2 weeks and from the first day she has been accustomed to finding antlers hidden thru the house in order to get her food. I do a simple hand command and say "find an antler". It took her about 3 days to really catch on. Now she immediately starts looking and searching when I give her the command. You should see how excited she gets when she sniffs it or sees an antler.

So far she just goes to the antler and steps on it and gets my attention by getting way excited.(I gotta work on getting her to bring it to me) but Im way excited to see her progression. She loves to play with them, but I try not to let her play with them too much, because I want her to remain excited about antlers..

Have any of you ever trained a dog to find antlers? What other methods have you used? I have looked at but it was all very vague. Any reccomendations?? If you would like some help Id be happy to tell what has worked with her.. Im sure she will do excellent by the time next shed season rolls around..
Cool name, and good looking dog also. So when we going? :)
VERY COOL! labs are awsome, they can do everything. make sure to keep us informed on how it's going. :thumb
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So this update is a quick one: But "SITKA" the pup just did her first retrieves of the antlers tonight.. We were placing them around the house and she would find them and bring them back to us... Shes finally catching on totally.. I think Ill have a pile of bone next year.. lol

I think I get more excited than she does when she brings me them.. Its amazing seeing the hours of training starting to pay off already..
heshen, I trained a pup last summer and this year she is doing great. I would be glad to help you with any questions and in any way that I can. fatrooster.
Great lookin pup! Keep up the hard work, Cant wait to see your piles of horns she finds..
Ive played around with my dog when she was younger but she didnt want anything to do with sheds.. She was more concerned about sleeping and eating non stop.
Maybe the next one