New Sight!

I dont know who all made it to the ISE show this year but Outdoor DNA was showcasing a new sight that i feel is going to be the next big thing! :not-worthy =D>

Go to the link to check it out!

I did not get to shoot a bow with this sight buy i got to hold and draw one back. Ill try and answer any questions you have....
That is a strange looking guy. I don't know if I could get used to the oval shape.
until you said that i had actully forgotten it was shapped different. It felt and looked perfect on the bow at the show.
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I saw that at the expo too and It was nice and bright and was pretty cool but I know for sure that because the back is one piece of glass that it will collect snow like crazy and getting the snow out would be a real pain also you have got take into consideration if the glass will fog up or be affected by moisture. I personally do most of my bow hunting in november and november in utah means snow. So anyone looking into this sight be carefull.
this is a point i didnt think about while i was there. i havent hunted with a bow in the snow, but i wonder if it has an anti fog coating to it? if not you could probably add one....
If it has any magnification capabilities it will be illegal to hunt with in Utah.
"nuttinbutchunks" wrote:If it has any magnification capabilities it will be illegal to hunt with in Utah.
The one i looked at didnt. it was just glass reflecting the light off of the fiber optics. that way no pins are blocking your shot...
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hey guys-
Thanks to Amp713 and mitchstowe for stopping by the booth at ISE Salt Lake and we are stoked you liked the sight!!
After finally showcasing the new Phantom at ISE we had some really great feedback.
We feel people didn't mind the oval shape. If anything most appreciated the new look and that it was different than what everyone else has out there. However, we understand not everyone will love it. Archery hunters are very specific in their wants and needs and appreciate that most who held the riser and looked through the sight loved what they saw.
We also had questions come up multiple times about snow build up, fogging and rain effects of the lens.
The lens is specially coated to prevent fogging and wicking of all moisture. We had a water bottle at the show to show people how water will wick away without blurring your vision through the glass. We are out of MT and hunt in variable temps throughout the fall and winter and understand that the weather can effect all aspects of a hunt, especially gear.
In building the sight we took into regards most states archery hunting regs. and attempted to build a sight suitable for all hunting areas. There is no magnification and no batteries for illumination.
Thanks for posting some Outdoor DNA love and thanks to everyone who commented on this forum. We take great pride in our products and love feedback and feel it is the only way we can build proper brand image and make our products truly great.
Feel free to contact us anytime.
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"nuttinbutchunks" wrote:If it has any magnification capabilities it will be illegal to hunt with in Utah.
Colorado too.
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What price range are we looking at?
at the show they had two different ones but i can only find the one online so maybe that was a show special but i think the better one was 135? I could be wrong or that could have been a show special price since alot of booths were giving discounts.