New Special permit and point system for Washington State
3/4/10 4:09am
Take a look at the link above. Looks like WDFW has actually listened to hunters and made a change to their permit and point system.
I'll summarize it as best I can, feel free to correct me as needed. Using Elk hunting as an example, in the past you applied for eithe an antlerless, bull, or either permit. Points were accumulated per application and if drawn for either all points went away.
Now you apply for antlerless and collect only antlerless points, bull permit apps. collect points for a bull permit. If one gets drawn points are only lost for what you drew but you still retain points on the other.
The best part is this... Lets say you held 5 points under the old system. Well now you'll have 5 antlerless points AND 5 bull points. If you happen to get drawn for both you have to choose which tag and they'll only take those points.
We will see....and good luck on the draw!
I'm going for both Antlerless and Bull in Eastern Wa. Last season my Dad and I had Spike only and my buddy had a cow tag, which he filled on the afternoon of the last day. We all saw the same 6x6 a few times along with a couple of raghorn 3's and 4's. The 6x almost ran over my Dad on the opener, finally turned and went around him about 15 feet away. I didn't believe it until I went and looked at the tracks in the snow. He'll be a bit bigger this year, all I need is a tag :not-worthy .
I've hunted Elk a few times and haven't been drawn yet, so I should get drawn this year if not next. I'm tired of watching those bulls and not being able to eat one. ](*,) ](*,)
Almost forgot, looks like the points are divvied up correctly too. I've applied and missed draws for bull and cow the past 3 years. And both catagories had me scored with 3 points.