new to archery question

I'm new to archery this year. I don't have a tag andi just got me a Mathews switchback. It my first bow and haven't shot it yet because I haven't gotten arrows yet. I have been playing with the draw weight just trying to find a comfortable range. My problem is I can only pull it back with a release every so often and when I pull it back with my fingers its almost to easy. Is there a technique to pulling back the now with a release?
Shedfreak88, where is "little hidden valley UT" located at? If you are close to Salt Lake or somewhere else I can tell you some good Archery shops to go to. I would recommend getting some expert advice just starting out like you are though. You may want to have the draw weight adjusted down a couple pounds to start shooting. As you will come to learn in Archery, good accuracy is far better than the faster speed of your arrow. For the Arrow's, its going to depend on a lot of things.. Aluminum or Carbon shafts, draw weight, # your shooting the bow at, broadhead weight. There is a nice graph on that you can look into. Again, there are many different shafts/materials you can work with, just depends on what youre looking to do with it. Just starting out you may want to just buy ½ dozen that you can start shooting to improve your shot.

Also, MAKE SURE you're shooting the right draw length. This is one of the most important factors on making your shots consistent and accurate. I know with that Mathews Bow, in order to change the draw length you have to put a new cam on it (I had to do the same with my DXT). Any of the shops I could recommend to you would be able to sell you a different draw length cam and install it on your Bow. There is a simple formula you can use to get your specific draw length. (You'll need someone's help with this) Measure the span of your arms from fingertip to fingertip without pushing your chest out too far, try to keep your arms parallel to your sides. Once you have that number divide it by 2.5 and round DOWN to the nearest ½inch. Example: I measure out 67" fingertip to fingertip, divide that 67" by 2.5 and you get 26.8. Rounding that down to nearest ½inch would be 26.5" as my draw length.

Sorry to be writing such a long post on your thread man... ](*,)
Hey man the longer the post the better... Little hidden valley lol i live here in south central utah near Richfield! you info is very helpful so thank you. I have the right draw length my draw length is 28" and the bow came already set at 28" and its perfect. the only problem im havning is with the release and pulling the bow back with it. sometimes i can pull it back with ease and other times i cant even get the cams to try and roll over. I just dont know what im doing right to get it pulled back comfortably and easily... ya know what i mean?
I know what you mean hard to pull it back. Mine was set @ 70# (Max weight on my bow) and I could only pull it back about 5 times before I would start shaking. Im sure if you have it adjusted down a little though, and get some arrows on the rest and pull it back with the release you'll be able to shoot a bunch of arrows before you start to fatigue. They'll most likely adjust your arrow knocking point on the string at the same time if needed, so your arrows dont flop around when the come off the string. There is a process called "Paper tuning" that will make that just right after its been adjusted. There in Richfield I think they just built a new Humphrey's Archery a little while ago. Here is the address & Phone number for the shop: 475 East 300 North - Richfield, Utah 84701 - Phone: (435) 896-8001. You should be able to get in there and they can set you up well enough to start you out shooting. Good luck with it all. Any more questions just ask, Ill do my best to give ya sound advice.

Hey thanks man for all your info it think it will really help. i have been to humpfreys and just bought some sights from there and when i asked him how to figure my arrow length he just told me that it would be the same as me draw length 28" and i dont think that would be right cuz i have a drop away rest and i not possitive but i think that would allow me so have a little bit shorter arrow then 28" but ill get it figured out no worries thanks for the help codered !!
it all comes down to correct draw length and lbs

you might have the correct draw length but have a release that is to long which makes your draw too long.

also my rule when teaching kids is "if you cant pull the bow straight back when sitting on a chair than the draw weight is to much"