New to muley madness

Hey everyone im new to muley madness and was just wondering how to post pictures? any info will help thanks

To start, if you would please go to the Mule Deer Forum and introduce yourself in the "MuleyMadness Roll Call" thread that would be great.

Now, I attached a couple pictures to help you out on this. When you start a new thread, or reply to an exsisting thread, you will see a couple tabs at the bottom labeled "Options" and "Upload Attachment". Click on the "Upload Attachment" tab.
You will then get two boxes labeled "Filename" and "File comment". Click on "Browse" after the "filename" box and find the attachment you wish to add. Once you have clicked on your file, click "Add the file". You can then add a comment to each picture using the "File comment" box.

There ARE file size restrictions on the pics. If you find that your picture is too large and you do not know how to resize it, we can help you with that too.

Again...WELCOME! I look forward to seeing your pics.
ShedObsession93, Welcome. Got your pics ready yet?
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Not quite i just got into shed hunting a year or two ago and dont have any good ATL's but as soon as i get back out on the hills ill be sure to take some good ATL's. Thanks again for all the help on posting pics AGCHAWK i appreciate it.