New to site
11/26/07 6:54pm
Hello I am new to this site. I am from Vancouver Island,BC Canada.
I am just getting in to muzzle loading. Not sure what to buy. I am looking at the Traditions 50 cal Hawkins woodsman I will be mostly hunting deer. Maybe the odd moose or elk. And lots of shooting of targets. What do you guys think of my choice.
I am just getting in to muzzle loading. Not sure what to buy. I am looking at the Traditions 50 cal Hawkins woodsman I will be mostly hunting deer. Maybe the odd moose or elk. And lots of shooting of targets. What do you guys think of my choice.
I drove trucks for 27 years , all local stuff , when i lived in n. california . Taking a brake at the moment . We moved my mother in with us after she had a stroke . [-o< So that's what i am doinmg for a while . ](*,) Full time care giver . :-k
Vancouver Island,BC Canada , You must have all kinds of game to hunt up there !!!!!!!!!!!!
I was told to go with the 50 cal. Easier to get supplies. Ive been driving trucks for about 14 yrs. local and long haul,concrete mixers.Mostly long haul. Lots of winter driving. Hauling live seafood. Thanks again. :) :)
I can help you with any technical and ballistic questions you may have.
But really these days they are all great guns..... just pick one with the features you want. alot of people will tell you that a 54 is required for moose or bear.... not true! there are plenty of 50 cal slugs available that would do a fine job!