New to the forum...

And new to bows as well. I had no idea how dangerous these things are (**!!) What a learnig curve!

I'm a parolee from the People's Republic of California (At least it feels like it), and have enjoyed living in Utah for four years now. I've slowly gotten into this big game hunting thing (for years I've shot PDs), and failure during the rifle hunts has driven me into the fabulous world of bow hunting. Anyway, this forum looks like a good place to ask questions, and one I have is:
I bought this sight for my bow:

If I sight the top pin for ten yards, does anybody know what the others are defaulted to? Or will it just be a suprise? (???) Is there a better distance I should sight it in for?
Thanks :)
Welcome to the forum, enjoy the madness.

As for your site. I would recomend sighting in the top pin at 20 yards, then every 10 yard for the other 3, so that you'll have a 20, 30, 40, and 50 yard pin. Sight the first one in, then you will have to gap the rest, and that is kind of a estimate on the distance between pins. Hope this made since.
::wel u will learn alot here im sure
Welcome to Muley Madness. :)
If I sight the top pin for ten yards, does anybody know what the others are defaulted to?
No I don't, you'll have to shoot and find out I suppose. My first pin is at about 15 yards but I only have 3 pins. Need to upgrade to a 5 pin myself.

Welcome! :1
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I would sight the first one in for 20 yrds, then sight the lowest pin in for your fartherest range. Next spave the next three evenly between those two. It won't be dead on but it will get you close enough to hit the target, them you can do finer adjustment to get it dailed in.
Twenty yards sounds right. The other pins I'll experiment with. I'd like to be able to hit a 6" paper plate at 70 yards.

I just came in from the back yard and from 15 yards was putting them in almost in the same hole. This is a stark contrast from yesterday when I got distracted and dry fired my bow thinking there was an arrow on the string ](*,) (Dumb, aint it?). This release thing is new to me and I couldn't figure out how to position it. So when I had this little accident I had to take it to Cabelas and have them fix it (the string silencer broke and is in the stratisphere somewhere), and reduce the pull weight to 6o pounds, making it easier for this rookie. This is way diferent from rifle, way diferent. I also learned how to shoot it without clobbering myself :))

I LIKE IT NOW! :thumb
But for a while I was pretty disgusted
jersey boy
It also depends on what your pounds on your draw is set on your bow. I have 3 pins on my bow i set the first one at 25 and the next at 35 and the last at 45 and thats with my bow set at like 65 -70. but i try not to take those long shots for the animals sake of not a fatal shot. But if you have questions go to a local sporty goods shop and see if you can buy a new one where it might just have 1 pin so theres no confusion but prices are ridiculous anymore.
Doh! #-o I should have mentioned the specs of the bow. It's a Bear Obsession set at 60 pounds of pull weight. I'm using Cabelas carbon fiber arrows.