New to the Madness

I'm from the NE corner of California. Just saying Hi. If I say something stupid I'll bet I laugh before you. See yall on the board.

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Glad to have you around! Dont be afraid to ask questions or anything, someone will have the answer! If you have questions concerning posting pics, ask Muley Madness. He knows all about the site! :lol: But like I said before, glad to have ya here! Check out my pics in the sheds forum and also in the archery and general deer forums. I'm also pretty new at this, but the site's been nothing but good so far!


Hey, thanks for signing up!! We always want and welcome new members. We just need a lot more. :) What do you hunt down in CA?
Sends us a few pics if you have any.
Thanks & Welcome.
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welcome to the board!
give your opinion (s) on the topic at hand-

this sounds about right!!

Now for my opinion: :D Sell the experience, not the animal. selling animals by the pound (or inch) is not hunting :evil: . it is shopping. Scoring animals that are bred and raised to shoot is a business.. but it is not fair chase :x if the animal has no chance of dieing a natural death. plain and simple. Put a hunter in a pen with a hungry lion 8) , and with no firearms :shock: :shock: , now that may be fair chase!!! Then let that hunter decide how big the enclosure needs to be to call it fair chase.. :roll: :roll:
I have been charged by grizzlies twice. That was fair chase.

huntin 4 legged critters and eatin um

Welcome aboard! Always nice to have a fellow Crazy Californian around to provide some back-up when those Kalifornicated jokes start. :D

NE in Alturas or Modoc County? If so, hows the snow pack up in the higher country this year? Those deer and antelope could use some snow/rain fall. I've bowhunted your part of the country before and have seen a few toads.

BOHNTR )))--------------->
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Thats right Modoc County. Got a 3A tag last year, week before the season I jumped up a real toad. Spent the whole hunt passing on bucks hoping I'd see him again. Well the tag went unfilled, oh well I had a great time and in April I cut my season short by planning a trip to Disneyland figuring I wouldn't draw. The snow pack is fair but we got plenty of moisture this winter, not a droughtbuster but a good amount.

welcome! nice to see new folks around here. seems like this site is gaining some popularity. this is the best site out there. california you say! :D seems like california boyz are starting to get pretty common around here as well.
HeelerDog, Welcome to the site! I am another of the California boys on here although I'm a bit of an interloper. Stationed here with the military but manage to blend in as best a I can (Ever try to hide a hick in Monterey Bay? You can spot me from a mile away!).
Enjoy, my friend.