New trail cam
1/12/08 8:24pm
I am going to buy a new trail cam and i was wondering what everyone recomends i hate to spend alot of money when i always here of people stealing them so i was thinking of a cheaper one that takes good pics any help would be appreciated
I have not put it through it's paces, but playing around the house it works pretty good, and as you can see it has a hard loop to not only lock it closed but I think you can chain it to a tree. At least this will keep the honest people from stealing it. :)
You cannot go wrong with one of these, check out Coreys site he is a great guy to work with
Isnt the trigger speed on the Moultrie real slow?
Mine sure was.
Here is a few with the SG
ohh and some others why not
my favorite
actually had 9 pics of the bedded 5 pter, one while eating, two while going down into bedding position and 6when he got up to leave