New World Record?

So I'm thinking this new Utah Monster Bull has a legit shot at breaking the world record?

Am I crazy or haven't slept enough for many moons?? (@@) :-k

This "spider" bull or whatever you name is seems to be 9 on the left and 12-14 on the right?

Here is the stats on the current non-typical record.


SCORE: 465 2/8
LOCATION: Upper Arrow Lake, BC
HUNTER: Picked Up
OWNER: B.C. Environment
DATE: 1994

Length of main beam: Right 49 2/8 - Left 46 3/8
Inside spread: 51 1/8
Circ. of smallest place between 1st & 2nd points: Right 8 5/8 - Left 8 6/8
Number of ponts: Right 9 - Left 11
Spider bull is unreal that thing is a MONSTER....

It will be interesting to see what he scores when someone finally kills him.
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I've never seen anything like it before. Alive or Mounted. I know they always
look bigger in velvet but good grief WHAT A BULL!!!!!!
i'm thinking the same, that thing is huge!!
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I looked at the book last night. and he has it.when he hits the ground thay are going to run lots of tests on him.
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Could someone PLEASE post a picture of this bull? My brother in law shot a bull that was 9 x11 nontypical in 2005 in NW CO. The DOW had never seen an antler configuration like it before. I even sent the pics to Colorado State University to the elk research group and they had never seen anything like it either. It had what I would call a triple main beam , the inside most beams were strait off the inside of the main beam and they go strait back to club like growth on the ends. I guess a few guys tried to score it but everyone said it was so unusual that it was hard to get a real score and do deductions propoerly. This guy has such unusal points that there was still quite a bit of old velvet on him because he could not get it off or just gave up trying. The number they came up with was almost 300. Our group has always wondered if this guy had offspring anywhere and what would they look like. The guy we shot was part of the migration from the white rirver national forest whichj would put him near utah every springs/summer and there could have been some offsprings that went west I suppose?

I can get pictures if you want...
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disregard my request, I just saw him on the mossback website.. he is much more typical than my brother in laws bull. I have never seen one like him either though, what a monster, and he seems to have enough energy to throw that crown aroundwilhe eating....
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Do you have any pictures you could post of your Brother in law's bull? Sounds interesting and i'm sure we'd all love to see it!
one hunting fool
yes please post a picture if no cc problems i can not get my office firewall to open up so i can see it
Brett, here's another monster bull that was shot in your back yard.
Unreal, what a bull. Thanks for the link Ridge, that is one cool bull. Didn't know they could grow them that big up there. :)
The second bull on that link is the first 400 bull I guided back in 2004. The 'ugly' guy on the right is wapiti67 who played a huge role in getting this bull on the ground, and to the taxidermist.
Now thats a small world for ya. Pro, congrats on a great bull.
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I say hes got the world record by quite a bit, Ill take a guess right now and see how close I am but I say he'll gross score in the 490s and net 470+.
I am going to say he will bust 500 > 502 Gross (net is for fishes)LOL. I will also throw a thought out....... Why have we never seen this bull in the past? ](*,) Why has no one ever picked up his past years sheds? ](*,) I think this bull has been ranched raised and then released, :-k or someone feed him a hole bunch of steroids....LOL Just a thought..
The Jimmy Ryan bull killed in Utah in 2007 was a 390 class bull in 2006, then he grew up and went over 440 in 2007. So, to say this bull is juiced/penned is funny!
Pro, I remember watching that bull on video. Was it you that guessed him 30 inches too small? Now thats alot of ground growth!!!!
Or am I thinking of a totally different occasion? I can remember when we could count the 400" utah club on one hand!! HAHAHA How many are there now?
Looks juat like the non type pen raised bulls from canada,and dont think an outfit wouldnt "share" video of a bul;l like this to peak intrest in their outfitters,regardless of where the bull was filme hes a monster,but its hard to believe hes free range and nobody ever saw him b4.
He HAS been seen before, his sheds from last year have been picked up. If/when this bull hits the ground the record books will verify whether or not it is a 'free range' animal. I will go on the record and say he WILL be allowed into the B&C/P&Y. :thumb
how big was he last year?
That bull is no world record IMHO. Maybe a state record. To me, I don't see him going much over the 450 range with his short main beams (under 50") and narrow inside spread (under 40") but there is growing still to do. :-k
RIP to SPIDY!! I guessed he would be the NEW world Record, any BETS? :)
I guess he scores 497 5/8 :-k
I still can't beleive the size of that bull! Too bad he really never had a chance to live past this year with all the hype around him!I am excited to see what he scores though!
one hunting fool
he scored green 500 4/8