Nice 5x5 buck pic!
8/16/06 5:54pm
Got one more for you guys...
Here is a pretty nice buck. He is a 5x5, can't turn him up during the day.
But he was kind enough to give me a pic during the night.
Hope to get more off of trail cams in the next couple of months, but as far as me getting out again for video or still shots...may not happen. :>/ :>/
Hope to luck into one during the rifle hunt, but it's always a ZOO opening day and you half to kinda get lucky.
Here is a pretty nice buck. He is a 5x5, can't turn him up during the day.
But he was kind enough to give me a pic during the night.
Hope to get more off of trail cams in the next couple of months, but as far as me getting out again for video or still shots...may not happen. :>/ :>/
Hope to luck into one during the rifle hunt, but it's always a ZOO opening day and you half to kinda get lucky.
I noticed the same thing, he is a healthy looking 'fat boy' :)
Many of the other bucks I've seen are still skinny looking, but not this guy.
Apparently he found the ICECREAM and DONUT section, maybe his arteries are clogged a bit and it'll slow him down. xcrossx
You're alright though...I GUESS!