Nice non-typical and one a little bigger
2/4/07 9:20pm
I took this picture just a couple days after the hunt ended. They always do that to me. Do you guys want to see some better bucks? " alt="" />

He looks busted up a bit, and that is a big BROW tine.
yes please!!!!!!!!
How wide and what would it score?
32-33" outside spread
178 typical frame
191 nontypical gross
just a guess????????
I'll go 33-34 on width, does he have a cheater on the right side also?
Score crud, I'm bad at these.
I'll say 207"
As for that last one....
I'd say 32" wide
196" gross non-typical
195 gross non typical
HUGE DEER nice picture
I am saying 32" wide
and 198.
I really like that look.