Nice Utah Muley
8/26/11 8:13am
Well I got lucky the other morning on the this buck. My buddy, Brian, and I were still hunting a ridgeline and just looking for tracks of some bucks we knew had been in the area several days ago. After a little rain the night before, and not finding any fresh tracks our spirits were low. As Brian was working his way up one side of the ridge I was working the other. While just walking up a trail and thinking about where else we could go try and hunt I heard the sound of a deer crashing down the ridge and I looked up and here was this buck running right to me. He came down and stopped less then 15yrds from me. I didn't even have an arrow knocked #-o Has I tried to slowly get an arrow out of my quiver the buck spotted me and bolted back up the ridge ](*,) Lesson #1, always be ready for the unexpected. Had I been ready with an arrow on my string I could have smoked him right there. Well Lesson #2 is never give up even after you screw it up. So thinking that the buck may run back up the ridge and try and cut his way under Brian and go south, I turned around and hustled my way back down the ridge the way I came and went about 700-800 yards then cut back up on to the top of the ridge and set up in a spot were I could have a vantage point and see a little more country. I had two thoughts , either the buck is gone out of the country or he his holding tight, like big bucks usually do. Well turns out he was holding tight less then 100yrds from where we had our first encounter. After a few minutes of sitting on the ridge I spotted the buck, about 400 yards out quickly working his way right towards me. With an arrow on the string this time I quickly ranged the surrounding country and decided if he kept coming in this general direction he should come right underneath me at less then 50yrds. [-o< After a few seconds I could hear him coming, I had three shooting lanes down through the trees and has he came to the first one I kissed trying to get him to stop, didn't work, tried the same thing on the 2nd lane, he wouldn't stop. I think he had made his mind up that it was time to get off this ridge. Well the third and final lane I decided I better try and make the shot, So with about a 10 yard window I came to full draw and led the buck a bit and sent the arrow on its way. The WacEm broadhead flew true and center punched the buck through both lungs. :thumb He only went about 20yrds before he started back pedaling and rolled down the hill. What an awesome experience!
Thanks for sharing
Man you are one of those guys that gets it done. I really appreciate all of your feild photos, stories, and live photos. You are an excellent contributor to this site. Please keep'em coming!