nikon's BDC user?...check this
4/2/10 12:05pm
stumble on this while surfing.
might interrest BDC users.
will try it soon with my new 4-16x42 sf / BDC
especially the '' expend bdc circle '' function
and the ''field reference ballistic chart'' that you can access in '' generate ballistic report''
that we could print and tape on our rifles.
of course it would have to be field confirmed. which i will do soon for my load.
customize your load and have fun checking what could be!
for example i found that for the fun of trying it, with my load and the zoom set between 7x and 8x i should be right on at 1000 yard. with the last circle
of course i would be aiming with a 20" circle and not much magnification.
but i may try to hit a 6'x6' card board for the fun of testing.