Ninemile Canyon
Springville Shooter
6/5/10 12:53pm
Thought I'd post a couple more cool photos of our memorial day drive up to ninemile canyon. For those of you around Utah who haven't been there, I would highly recommend it. There is so much Native American and western history that you could not see it all in a week. There are petroglyphs, stage stops, ghost towns, Fremont Indian village sites, and many other attractions as well as Mule deer, Elk, and sheep in the canyon. Pretty cool trip for the cost of a tank of gas and a picnic lunch.-------SS
It's been too many years since I've been down that way. +1 on your reccomendation though.
A couple of years ago I was hiking around some foot hills less than a mile from my house and came accross this No where near the detail as the nine mile stuff but I found it cool to know that I live less than a mile from some native american petroglyphs.
That second photo you posted must be a native americans version of an eastmans cover story. The glyphs around it were all the back and forth banter posts about whether or not the buck/elk was farm raised. :)
I sure hope that third pic isn't showing us that some moron took some pot shoots with a .22.